The first original English-languaged song and video clip by a Ukrainian music artist on major music TV channels in the history of Ukraine - "Shake" by AbaNDa SHAKE. The version accepted by "M1" TV had no dancing boys on the podium and no palm trees (they were said to be "bad") - and we had to spend time to remontage it all so that to remove them. But here's the full uncensored version for your attention. *ND# © DINAHIT MUSIC
Первая оригинальная англоязычная песня и видеоклип украинского музыкального артиста на главных музыкальных телеканалах в истории Украины - "Shake" от AbaNDa SHAKE. В версим, принятой каналом "M1", не было танцующих парней на подиуме и пальм (о них сказали, что они "плохи") - и нам пришлось потратить время на перемонтаж, чтобы их убрать . Но вот полная нецензурированная версия к вашему вниманию. *ND# © DINAHIT MUSIC
Natali Dali: Наталья Даль (Natalya Dal) > AbaILa DRIVE > AbaNDa SHAKE = Наталья Антонова (Natalia Antonova) - 26 Jan 1972, Nikolayev, Ukraine (USSR)
Dimitris Krist = Дмитрий Ильяшенко (Dmitriy Ilyashenko, Dmytro Iliashenko) - 1 Sep 1961, Nikolayev, Ukraine (USSR)

Monday, 27 March 2006
AbaNDa SHAKE - Shake - official video press-release
Posted by
Natali Dali of AbaNDa SHAKE
Labels: abanda shake, dimitris krist, dinahit, dinamix, dinavid, music, natali dali
Thursday, 16 March 2006
how AbaNDa SHAKE produced the video clip "Cat"...
Dear Friends and Fans!
Here's a short story about how AbaNDa SHAKE produced the video "Cat":
The main idea of the song "Cat" (and the clip) is that in every woman there live three different "cats" – three natures: black, red and white. These three different characters are not enemies, they are friends who feel at ease together and are very well dwelling side by side. These "cats" love to play different games and one of them is "dog" chess ("dogs" are men, of course! ;) But! …There is always one very important "dog" in the "cat's" life – one man who is the master of the woman's world!..:)
Natali and Dimitris first thought of the plot - they developed it from the idea of their song "Cat". Natali wrote the scenario and drew the storyboard. It was a very detailed script - a scene per each second. They had had an experience of filming some videos before and they knew that a thorough preparation was very important for a good result.
Within two weeks before the filming Nat and Dim spent three days on photo sessions in a photo studio for making the black-red-white photos for the magazine "Cat Seasons" that was to be used in the process of filming. Natali indeed changed her hair colour for each of the sessions!! Then she designed the cover and the pages, printed them out and glued together in place of the first pages of some real magazine so that it finally looked like the true magazine "Cat Seasons" that actually didn't exist! (In a very curious manner the magazine was gone after the filming - it was lost and nobody has ever seen it since that time...!)
Nat invented and rehearsed at home her Cat-dancing and choreography on the carpet...Dim trained himself to perform his Dog-dancing and movements too... :)
After that Natali and Dimitris rented a cinema pavilion with the camera, crane and light equipment and hired a group of technicians for the assistance. They spent three working shifts on filming - each day (actually night) they filmed one of Natali's black, red, and white Cat-characters on the blue rear (so that later they could remove the blue colour and combine the three images together on the white background during the postproduction) - and in the breaks they filmed the real cats, the real dog and the Dog-character - Dimitris. :)
The animals behaved awfully - they wouldn't at all do what they had to! :) The cats went crazy and got scared - they didn't want to sit calm when it was necessary and they were very reluctant to move when they were asked! :)) Right on the filming start Nat and Dim faced the fact that in place of the black cat they got a grey!!! one because the black one had fallen ill - so they had to "paint" it in black during the postproduction... And the dog wouldn't want to jump onto the sofa without his master standing close to the sofa in the shot area and teasing him with sausages - so they also had to do a good deal of "correcting" the dog's actions later...
On finishing filming Natali together with three video engineering assistants spent three months of everyday work on postproduction including montage, editing, special effetcs, elements of 2D and 3D graphics. It was a very complicated task to combine three images in one frame - especially when they "touched" each other. But finally AbaNDa SHAKE got what they wanted. It's a great pleasure for musicians (songwriters/ arrangers/ composer
The airplay of the video "Cat" created two very distinctive tendencies in our country's music video production. Firstly, about twenty or thirty videos were shot using the similar colour decision: the white background and three dominant colours on it, mostly red, black and white (in AbaNDa SHAKE's video they were orange, black and white). Secondly, lots of clips became funny, using the "silly" characters in them (though clip making seemed to have been rather "serious" before). And, finally, a lot of ideas and elements were simply "stolen" and reused! :)) Doesn't it all mean we've made a trendy product?! ;)) You can come to conclusions yourselves...
And now enjoy watching and listening! Come back for more!!!
Posted by
Natali Dali of AbaNDa SHAKE
Wednesday, 15 March 2006
AbaNDa SHAKE produced "Cat" video clip...
AbaNDa SHAKE have finished the postproduction of "Cat" video clip!! Finally!! :))
AbaNDa SHAKE - Cat
Posted by
Natali Dali of AbaNDa SHAKE
Saturday, 11 March 2006
Some of Natali Dali's POETRY BOOKS
Alone... Alone... Alone...
Constantly heard on the phone.
Alone... Alone... Alone...
I don't want to be alone.
11 Mar 2006
Posted by
Natali Dali of AbaNDa SHAKE
Labels: a miss on a mission, abanda shake, natali dali, prose n poetry
Thursday, 2 March 2006
AbaNDa SHAKE - Cat - official video press-release
The airplay of the video "Cat" created two very distinctive tendencies in our country's music video production. Firstly, about twenty or thirty videos got shot using the similar colour decision: the white background and three dominant colours on it, mostly red, black and white (in AbaNDa SHAKE's video they were orange, black and white). Secondly, lots of clips became funny with introduction of "silly" characters in them (though clip making seemed to have been rather "serious" before). And, finally, a lot of our ideas and elements were simply "stolen" and reused! Doesn't it all mean we made a trend-establishing product in the sphere of music film-making?! Yes, we, obviously, did. You can come to conclusions yourselves... ♥♥ *ND# © DINAHIT MUSIC
Here's a short story about how AbaNDa SHAKE produced the video "Cat":
The main idea of the song "Cat" (and the clip) is that in every woman there live three different "cats" - three natures: black, red and white. These three different characters are not enemies, they are friends who feel at ease together and are very well dwelling side by side. These "cats" love to play different games and one of them is "dog" chess ("dogs" are men, of course!) But! There is always one very important "dog" in the "cat's" life - one man who is the master of the woman's world!
Natali and Dimitris first thought of the plot - they developed it from the idea of their song "Cat". Natali wrote the scenario and drew the storyboard. It was a very detailed script - a scene or two per each second. They had had an experience of filming some videos before and they knew that a thorough preparation was very important for a good result.
Within two weeks before the filming Nat and Dim spent three days on photo sessions in a photo studio for making the black-red-white photos for the magazine "Cat Seasons" that was to be used in the progress of filming. Natali indeed changed her hair colour for each of the sessions!! Then she designed the cover and the pages, printed them out and glued together in place of the first pages of some real magazine so that it finally looked like the true magazine "Cat Seasons" that actually didn't exist! (In a very curious manner the magazine was gone after the filming right from the spot - it was lost and nobody has ever seen it since that time...!
Nat and Dim found and bought all the necessary things of entourage (dog-chess, orange-candle, music-clock, vazes, flowers, stools, rags, etc.) and made the decorations. Dim had a plazma-screen imitation made at an artists' shop, Nat modelled and with her own hands sewed the costumes, tailored the "dalmatian" cover for the sofa and sticked "dalmatian" moles onto the piano and laptop, etc. Initially they had planned to rent a white piano from a music salon but right on the eve of the filmimg date the piano had been sold.
Nat invented and rehearsed at home her Cat-dancing and choreography on the carpet in her kitchen. Dim trained himself to perform his Dog-dancing and movements too...
After that Natali and Dimitris rented a cinema pavilion with the camera, crane and light equipment and hired a group of technicians for the assistance - "REVOLUTION RENT" & "TECHNOVISION". They spent three working shifts on filming - each day (actually night) they filmed one of Natali's black, red, and white Cat-characters on the blue rear (so that later they could remove the blue colour and combine the three images together on the white background during the postproduction) - and in the breaks they filmed the real cats, the real dog and the Dog-character - Dimitris.
The animals behaved awfully - they wouldn't at all do what they had to! The cats got scared and went crazy - they didn't want to sit calm when it was necessary and they were very reluctant to move when they were asked! Right on the filming start Nat and Dim faced the fact that in place of the black cat they got a grey!!! one because the black one had fallen ill - so they had to "paint" it in black during the postproduction. And the dog wouldn't want to jump onto the sofa without his master standing close to the sofa in the shot area and teasing him with sausages - so they also had to do a good deal of "correcting" the dog's actions later...
On having finished filming Natali together with three video engineering assistants spent three months of everyday work on postproduction including montage, editing, special effetcs, elements of 2D and 3D graphics. It was a very complicated task to combine three images in one frame - especially when they "touched" each other. But finally AbaNDa SHAKE got what they wanted. It's a great pleasure for musicians (songwriters/ arrangers/ composers) to get the video that totally reflects their vision of the atmosphere and mood of their composition, of what they were trying to convey in their song...
Телевизионная ротация видеоклипа "Cat" создала две очень отличительные тенденции в музыкальном видеопроизводстве нашей страны. Во-первых, около двадцати-тридцати клипов были сняты с использованием подобного цветового решения: белый бэкграунд с тремя доминантными цветами на нём, в большинстве случаев красный, чёрный и белый (в видео AbaNDa SHAKE это были оранжевый, чёрный и белый.) Во-вторых, множество клипов стали смешными с введением в них "глупых" характеров (тогда как клипмейкерство, казалось, было довольно "серьёзным" до этого). И, наконец, много наших идей и элементов были просто "украдены" и использованы по новой. Не означает ли это, что мы создали трендоистеблишинговый продукт в сфере музыкального фильмопроизводства?! Да, очевидно, создали. Вы можете делать выводы сами... ♥♥ *ND# © DINAHIT MUSIC
Вот короткая история о том, как мы изготавливали клип "Cat":
Главная идея песни "Cat" (и клипа) - это то, что в каждой женщине живут три разных "кошки" - три натуры: чёрная, рыжая и белая. Эти три разных характера - не враги, это подруги, которым легко чувствуется в компании друг друга, и они очень хорошо уживаются бок о бок. Эти "кошки" любят играть во всякие игры, и одна из них - "собачьи" шахматы ("собаки" - это мужчины, конечно!). Но! В жизни "кошки" есть всегда один очень важный "пёс" - мужчина, который является хозяином мира женщины.
Натали и Димитрис прежде всего придумали сюжет - они развили его из идеи песни "Cat". Натали написала сценарий и нарисовала сториборд. Это был очень детальный скрипт - сцена, а то и две, на каждую секунду. Они снимали видео и раньше, поэтому знали, что тщательная подготовка очень важна для хорошего результата.
В течение двух недель до съёмки Нат и Дим провели три дня на фотосессиях в фотостудии, для того чтобы подготовить чёрно-рыже-белые фотографии для журнала "Cat Seasons", который должен был использоваться во время процесса съёмки. Натали на самом деле перекрашивала свои волосы для каждой сессии!! Затем она сделала дизайн обложки и страниц, распечатала и приклеила их на место первых страниц какого-то настоящего журнала, так что он и впрямь стал выглядеть как реальный журнал "Cat Seasons", которого в действительности не существовало! Весьма любопытным образом журнал пропал после съёмки прямо с площадки - он потерялся, и с тех пор его никто не видел...
Нат и Дим находили и покупали все необходимые предметы антуража (шахматы-собачки, свечу-апельсин, музыкальные часы, вазы, цветы, табуретки, подстилки, и т. д.) и делали декорации. Дим изготовил имитацию плазменного тв-экрана в художественной мастерской, а Нат смоделировала и собственными руками сшила костюмы, "далматинский" чехол для дивана, вырезала и приклеила "далматинские" пятна на пианино и лэптоп, и т.д. Изначально, они планировали арендовать белое пианино из салона, но как раз накануне даты съёмок оно было продано.
Нат изобретала и репетировала свои кошачьи танцы и хореографию на коврике в кухне. Дим тренировался исполнить собачий танец и движения тоже ...
После, Натали и Димитрис арендовали кинопавильон с камерой, краном и световым оборудованием, и наняли группу техников для ассистирования - "REVOLUTION RENT" & "TECHNOVISION". На съёмку они потратили три рабочие смены - каждый день (фактически, ночь) они снимали один из чёрных, рыжих и белых кошачьих характеров Натали на синем рире (чтобы впоследствии можно было отделить синий цвет и соединить три образа вместе на белом фоне во время постпроизодства), в перерывах были сняты настоящие коты, собака и герой-пёс - Димитрис.
Животные вели себя скверно - они совершенно не делали того, что должны были! Коты были перепуганы и сошли с ума - они не хотели сидеть смирно, когда нужно было, и неохотно двигались, когда их просили! Прямо перед началой съёмки Нат и Дим вынуждены были столкнуться с фактом, что вместо чёрного кота им принесли серого!!!, потому что чёрный заболел, так что им пришлось красить его в чёрный цвет во время постпродакшна. А пёс не хотел запрыгивать на диван без того, чтобы его хозяйка стояла рядом с диваном в кадре и манила его сосисками - поэтому большой кусок работы пришлось потом потратить на то, чтобы "корректировать" действия пса...
Завершив съёмку, Натали вместе с тремя ассистентами-видеоинженерами провела три месяца в каждодневной работе над постпроизводством, включая монтаж, редакцию, специальные эффекты, элементы графики 2D и 3D. Было очень сложной задачей объединять три образа в одном кадре - особенно когда они "соприкасались" друг с другом. Но, в конце концов, получили то, что хотели. Это огромное удовольствие для музыкантов (авторов песен, аранжировщиков, композиторов) получить видеоклип, который полностью отражает их видение атмосферы и настроения их композиции, того, что они пытались передать в своей песне... *ND# © DINAHIT MUSIC
Natali Dali: Наталья Даль (Natalya Dal) > AbaILa DRIVE > AbaNDa SHAKE = Наталья Антонова (Natalia Antonova) - 26 Jan 1972, Nikolayev, Ukraine (USSR)
Dimitris Krist = Дмитрий Ильяшенко (Dmitriy Ilyashenko, Dmytro Iliashenko) - 1 Sep 1961, Nikolayev, Ukraine (USSR)
Posted by
Natali Dali of AbaNDa SHAKE
Labels: abanda shake, dimitris krist, dinahit, dinamix, dinavid, dmitriy ilyashenko, music, natali dali, natalia antonova