*Fashions can be different. Both in their audio and video works AbaNDa SHAKE like to mix various styles. In Cat RMX Euro Club VRSN Fashion EDTN the taylor Dimitris Krist has combined some classic disco dancefloor beats with modern synth electronic sounds, and sewed it all with our distinctive grand piano parts, putting the modeller Natali Dali‘s “vixen voxes” on top. Since we come from Europe, we’ve dressed up the girl in some traditionally classy small fur coats (artificial, however! which is our propaganda of earthly creatures’ non-violence towards one another) and always fashionable sexy fish net and picturesque bijou. Yet, being global as well, we’ve decorated the picture with some ever-young multi-coloured jeans wear. Well, still, we keep our visual image absolutely unique with our… Oh, you have to see it yourself! Here we go! )) ♥♥ *ND# © DINAHIT MUSIC
AbaNDa SHAKE - Cat RMX Euro Dance (Fashion EDTN) - official music video
Natali Dali: Наталья Даль (Natalya Dal) > AbaILa DRIVE > AbaNDa SHAKE = Наталья Антонова (Natalia Antonova) - 26 Jan 1972, Nikolayev, Ukraine (USSR)
Dimitris Krist = Дмитрий Ильяшенко (Dmitriy Ilyashenko, Dmytro Iliashenko) - 1 Sep 1961, Nikolayev, Ukraine (USSR)