The new song with my lyrics is born - "And I Swear", translated into English for the Ukrainian female quartet A.R.M.I.Y.A. on the original Russian lyrics and music by Artik Umrihin. All are happy! Cordially, Natali Dali of DINAWHott Productions.
AND I SWEAR ♥ © Natali Dali (song lyrics)
I never knew
That days could be so bright.
Only you
Could have conquered my love.
With your sweet touch
I’m tamed, but it’s all right –
I so much
Want to stay in your life.
I cherish the hope
That nothing can stop
Love attraction of longing halves.
These spring nights ignite
Wild flames in our hearts.
In each other's arms
We're burning us down.
And I swear I will love
Only one on the earth.
And I swear I'll be there
Through all hardships and joys.
And I swear I will care
In my dreams and for real.
When you're far,
When you're near,
You're the one
Who I need.
Destiny lines
Are twisted in one plot.
It’s a long
Winding road that we’ll share.
How come that I
Lose my way without you,
Can’t go on
When your hand is not there.
Your breathing’s on fire.
It burns with desire.
And it feels too strong and too nice.
In earthly delights
We’ll find paradise
By days and at nights,
You and I.
And I swear I will love
Only one on the earth.
And I swear I'll be there
Through all hardships and joys.
And I swear I will care
In my dreams and for real.
When you're far,
When you're near,
You're the one
Who I need.
Natali Dali =
projects: 1A KamaNDa ( 1:iNDigoDigNity ) = AbaNDa SHAKE =
AbaNDa DRIVE = AbaILa DRIVE = Наталья Даль (Natalya Dal) = Natali Dali -
A MISS oN A MISSioN = origin: Наталья Антонова (Natalia Antonova) - 26
Jan 1972, Nikolayev, Ukraine (USSR)