353. ~Flowers are pinnacles of Nature's beauty, symbols of cosmic geometry perfection, creations which are ultimately pure and vulnerably tender, alike in their kind and yet each one unique, as every single living being is. That's why the view of them is so magical. If I could I would love to have a bouquet in my room, or on my window outside, all mornings and evenings, to remind me of the wonderful, to set the mind to peace to walk with it through the day and, greeted by them, to meet with calmness the 'letting go' of the dusk. ♥ © Natali Dali
353. ~ ♥ © Натали Дали
353. ~ ♥ © Наталі Далі
Natali Dali = projects: 1A KamaNDa ( 1:iNDigoDigNity ) = AbaNDa SHAKE = AbaNDa DRIVE = AbaILa DRIVE = Наталья Даль (Natalya Dal) = Natali Dali - A MISS oN A MISSioN = origin: Наталья Антонова (Natalia Antonova) - 26 Jan 1972, Nikolayev, Ukraine (USSR)