The new song with my lyrics is born - "Way To Happiness (Epic - Part 4)", translated from Ukrainian into English for the rock project GETHSEMANE GARDEN in Ukraine, on their original lyrics by Yevgeniy Potyomskiy and music by Oleg Usikov - Konstantin Zelenyuk -Yevgeniy Potyomskiy. All are happy! Cordially, Natali Dali of DINAWHott Productions.
WAY TO HAPPINESS ♥ © Natali Dali (song lyrics)
Never more I'll see those greedy eyes.
I refuse to hear those cheesy phrases.
I won't let myself be teased again with lies.
I'll no longer do whatever
That they only try to make me.
I've set out my way to happiness,
Where the sun shines and the stars glow bright.
I'll forever stay in my God's place,
In the holy land of love's delight.
Loneliness will no more grab my thoughts.
Death will not crawl to me in the darkness.
In the dead of night I'll not be scared of shots.
I won't run in circles
As a slave to ruthless masters.
I've set out my way to happiness,
Where the sun shines and the stars glow bright.
I'll forever stay in my God's place,
In the holy land of love's delight.

Natali Dali: Наталья Даль (Natalya Dal) > AbaILa DRIVE > AbaNDa SHAKE = Наталья Антонова (Natalia Antonova) - 26 Jan 1972, Nikolayev, Ukraine (USSR)
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