Wednesday 30 March 2011

Dimitris Krist - UKRAINE TO JAPAN (feat Natali Dali) - demo music visual

Shocked and overwhelmed with the recent tragedy that has happened in JAPAN, my partner Dimitris Krist and me, Natali Dali, in UKRAINE have written and recorded this track - "UKRAINE TO JAPAN" - our common pain and our support to the Japanese people... We had Chernobyl here 25 years ago. We do know this grief like no others in the world. Be first to listen and share with friends... I recite my poem as Goddess of Earth helpless to do anything against mankind's greed insanity.

I'm holding in my hand
My Dia-MoND...

I'm holding in my hand
My Dying World...

I'm holding in my hand
My Tiny Boat...

I'm holding in my hand

Be careful when you play with your third eye.
One careless touch or shake - and you can die.

The dangerous red button on your mind:
The uncontrolled wild power's kept inside.

Think twice before you push the fire sign -
Beneath each surface there's a sleeping sun...

© Natali Dali

Natali Dali: Наталья Даль (Natalya Dal) > AbaILa DRIVE > AbaNDa SHAKE = Наталья Антонова (Natalia Antonova) - 26 Jan 1972, Nikolayev, Ukraine (USSR)

Dimitris Krist = Дмитрий Ильяшенко (Dmitriy Ilyashenko, Dmytro Iliashenko) - 1 Sep 1961, Nikolayev, Ukraine (USSR)

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