326. ~It makes a big difference whether you share your negative opinion about a certain person with a closest reliable friend or speak it out to a vast group of people. It makes a huge difference whether you keep your negative opinion about a person to yourself or expose it to this person and the world. If you do it on the regular basis, it does make a tremendous difference. Persistence is one of the major keys to major success. The damage done to the person becomes inevitable, and you gain your reputation of the glorious bastard who can change the world. The matter is: change the world in which direction? At some point you realize it is not a slip of your tongue but a drastic habit, and it's when this becomes your own choice that you are personally responsible for. ♥ © Natali Dali

Natali Dali = 1A KamaNDa ( 1: iNDigoDigNity ) > AbaNDa SHAKE > AbaILa DRIVE > Наталья Даль (Natalya Dal) = Natali Dali - A MISS oN A MISSioN = Наталья Антонова (Natalia Antonova) - 26 Jan 1972, Nikolayev, Ukraine (USSR)
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