330. ~I am confident there are no absolutely true people. To have the right to be untrue to yourself is a kind of a "safety zone" for a person and the mankind in general - we at times can be wrong in our judgements, and in order not to do wrong actions we can have a "timeout" and not speak out or do immediately what we may think is right for us at the moment, because it may bring destruction to polite relations of people or peaceful coexistence of nations, if it is done on the global scale, and, thus, leaving it for our further mental "digestion", to process and analyze it for as long as it may need. Keeping our opinion to ourselves is wearing a mask. It is often vital, it is one of the peculiarities of the human nature. However, everything has the tolerance limits, and at times it becomes an unbearable burden. ♥ © Natali Dali

Natali Dali = 1A KamaNDa ( 1:iNDigoDigNity ) > AbaNDa SHAKE > AbaILa DRIVE > Наталья Даль (Natalya Dal) = Natali Dali - A MISS oN A MISSioN = Наталья Антонова (Natalia Antonova) - 26 Jan 1972, Nikolayev, Ukraine (USSR)
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